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72 Years of Oppression Protest

  • Cabot square Montreal, QC, Canada (map)

October 1st is the Chinese National Day.

It also marks the 72nd year of oppression and occupation of East Turkistan.

On October 2nd, ISU organized a protest in the streets of Montreal and in front of the Chinese consulate.

The event began by three members of the Tibet community, Pema Kunga, Tenzin Shedup, and Dechen Wangdi, starting their marathon protest from Montreal to Ottawa with Toronto as their final destination.

ISU presented their East Turkistan flag to the Tibetan runners to show their support and to remind them that we are strongest when united.

Uyghurs, Hong Kongers and Tibetans then came together to stand up for human rights and for those who are suffering at the hands of the Chinese government.

Furthermore, they asked Canadians to boycott "Made in China" products since they represent oppression, genocide, and human rights abuses.

Finally, as the Canadian government didn’t forget about their two Michaels and were finally able to get them back home in Canada, we're also urging the Canadian government to do the same with its other citizen Huseyin Celil who has been detained in a Chinese prison for more than 15 years.

In the wind and rain, the Uyghurs, Hong Kongers, Tibetans, and their allies stood tall in front of the Chinese consulate and walked over photos of "Xitler" to express their anger and sadness.

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October 2

China's 72 years of Oppression Protest

December 3

Kidnapped by Beijing and Forgotten by Canada