
Urumchi Massacre 11th Anniversary Protest
Urumchi Massacre 11th Anniversary Protest
“Don’t be a bystander, be an activist!”
For two hours, International Support for Uyghurs occupied the Phillips Square in downtown Montreal with signs, flags, and posters to raise awareness of the human rights atrocities being committed by China. The ability to protest tyranny is a freedom Uyghurs in East Turkistan have been deprived of.

March for Uyghurs
Ghulja Massacre Commemoration March
Feb 2nd 1-3pm, Cabot Square, Montreal.

#Whiteblue19 demonstration
International Support for Uyghurs (ISU) joined globally organized #WhiteBlue19 protest and on July21, 2019, ISU organized the protest in downtown Montreal.

Demonstration in front of Parliament Hill
On May 4th, 2019, International Support for Uyghurs and Muslim Student Union in Ottawa organized an Uyghur Freedom Rally

Ghulja massacre (February 5th 2019) demonstration
On Feb 5th, 2019, International Support for Uyghurs organized a peaceful demonstration commemorating the 22nd anniversary of Ghulja Massacre.

Protest against Bill 21 on October 07, 2018
International Support for Uyghurs joined the protest against Bill 21 in Montreal, QC.
Ottawa demonstration in front of Parliament of Canada 2018
International Support for Uyghurs and Canadian Uyghur Youth Group in Toronto organized a peaceful protest on Oct 1, 2018 in front of Parliament Hill in Ottawa.

Marathon Demonstration
International Support for Uyghurs organized a Marathon demonstration from June 26 to July 5th 2018, to join a global demonstration.